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Single Sign-On for Library Staff

Summary: This document provides details on integrating eReserve Plus with an institutions's Single Sign-On service.


eReserve Plus can be integrated with the Single Sign-On (SSO) service used by your institution, allowing library and faculty staff already logged in with their institution to automatically log in and access the eReserve Plus admin console.

The eReserve Plus SSO integration can be implemented with any SAML 2.0 compatible system, and Microsoft Azure. If you're unsure that your SSO system is SAML 2.0 compatible, please check with your institution's IT team or technical contact.

Note that this configuration will require collaboration with your institution's IT team or technical person, so it's recommended to include them in correspondence for this work. Our support team will provide step-by-step instructions and details as we progress through this work.

If you are interested in having an SSO integration configured for your institution, please contact the eReserve Support Team to begin.