The majority of implementations deploy eReserve Plus to two Environments in the Cloud; a Staging and a Production Environment. The URLs consists of the domains that have been chosen by the institution will replace the [ereserve] in the URL. To access the Administrator Interface of eReserve Plus, please visit the following URLs:
The Staging Environment is in place to test adding resources to make sure that everything runs smoothly with no issues. It is also used for eReserve to release new features for you to test before the feature goes into the Production environment.
Production is your Live Environment.
You may also have opted to setup a Training Environment. We create a training environment in two ways; short-term spin-up instances or permanent environments. The training environment is in place to train end-users on a stable code base and dataset.
The first User that gets added to eReserve Plus has the role of User Manager assigned to them. This person can then add further users to the system as required.
Please advise eReserve of the Domain Name your institution created
Please advise eReserve of the first User Manager(s)