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Multiple Reading Lists Questions

Q: If the dropdown of Reading List shows "Migrated List", "Semester 1 2018, "Semester 2 2018", etc, what is a "Migrated List"? Some courses don't have "Migrated List" at all so I'm definitely unsure on what this exactly refers to.

A: When we turned on the Multiple Reading list feature, we needed to collect the existing readings and put them into a new multiple reading list so that the existing readings will be visible in the new system.

So we ran a migration on the database to do that. One course at a time we gathered all the readings and the dates associated with the readings and identified the earliest start date and the latest end date from the bunch. If the calculated start and end dates matched exactly an existing teaching session then we created a new reading list based on the teaching session and put the existing readings into that new reading list.

If the start and end dates for that course did not match an existing teaching session then we created a custom reading list assigning the calculated start and end dates to the list and called it "Migrated Reading List"

In this way depending on the start and end dates of the existing readings each course will either have a "Migrated Reading List" or a reading list named after one of the teaching sessions.

Q: We're using "New List" to create a list in a new teaching session. What if an academic wants the current semester list for the next session with no changes? What's the fastest way to roll this over?

A: The process to create a new reading list from an existing reading list is very quick.

  1. Click "New" from the reading list menu in the academic view.
  2. Choose a duration for the new reading list, either from the predefined teaching session or define custom dates. Click "Next"
  3. Select the reading to add to your new list.
  4. Type the name of the course on the left
  5. Choose a reading list on the right.
  6. Once the readings appear below the course selection dialogues, click on "+ All". Click "Next"
  7. The system gives you a confirmation of your selection, you can go "Back" and change you selection. If you are happy with the selection click "Create" and your new reading list will go through the "FastTrack" process to schedule the new batch of readings.

Please find here a link to a screencast (no audio) on creating a new reading list from an existing reading list:

Q: If I choose "New List", "Custom" then set dates and change the list name, will it still link to the LMS? Eg, WRIT1002 ran in semester 2 2017. If I want this for a December intensive, can I create a custom entry with dates for December only and name it WRIT1002 Intenstive. Will this link because the course code is still present in the new name?

A: Yes, eReserve Plus stores WRIT1002 as the Course and the following offerings:

  • Summer Main (2018)

  • Semester 1 (2018)

  • Intensive July (2018)

  • Semester 2 (2018)

  • Intensive December (2018)

Will all point to the WRIT1002 Course within eReserve Plus. Academics and Library staff can then create the appropriate reading lists naming them the based on the offerings above with the appropriate durations.